Sunday, March 18, 2007


Volunteers by Oxford Collapse

Winter hasn't set in yet, but it's night time. I'm looking north up Harper Ave out at a dark Lake Michigan and downtown Chicago. I'm totally unorginized and I hate microeconomics. I can't get over the fact that the market does not act in any way shape or form that the professor is telling us. I'm beyond annoyed with Chicago School Economics and I'm overwhelmed with everything I'm learning. I'm a first year, first quarter grad student. About all I enjoy at the moment is the Oxford Collaspe amazing ablity to write really good songs to drink to. But sadly (or thankfully), I am not drinking when listening to this song most of the time. The Oxford Collaspe didn't help me get though any part of my life, but I really enjoyed listening to them during these 'hard' times.


1 comment:

Otter said...

BO, This post paints brillantly the scene of your life. Great details. The good news is in your blood holds more more common sense about economics than any professor could ever try to teach you. Take heart. Trust your gut. AND now go get a beer, it sounds like you need one.
Love, Cececececece
P.S. Cool tune never heard of these guys before but I like this song.