Monday, March 12, 2007

Do You Want To

Do You Want To by Franz Ferdinand (25/365)

These guys sort of came out of no where didn't they? And everyone seems to have forgotten about them right? Anyway… I really liked this song for like two months. I remember walking down Cameroon in Old Town, playing this on my iPod in the extended spring of 2006. When I was sure no one was looking (which was most of the time) I broke out a hop here or there as I bounced down the street. The opening is all indie and then like all good Franz song, it goes disco on us which would put the hop in my step. In fact I'd listen to the first twenty seconds, then hit the back button and listen to those first twenty seconds again just to hear Franz break it down for me all over again.



Otter said...

I know why you like the first 20 seconds the best.
Want to know why?

...'Cause it sounds like The Who.

Otter said...

or is it The Doors? On second thought me thinks it sounds like The Doors.

Indigo Bunting said...

Love it. I'm listening to this instead of working.

It's becoming a problem.

Otter said...

I think it just rocks... and no way it sounds like the Doors, it's lacking a keyboard.