Saturday, March 17, 2007


Corduroy by Pearl Jam

I was in 7th grade when Vitalogy came out and I remember it being sort of a big deal. This was Peral Jam's first record after Cobain had killed himself and everyone was all worried that Eddie would do the same (we were 13 remember). I remember sitting in my gifted class room with a few other kids and we were talking about this album. One of the kids was wearing a Phish shirt and trying to sound like he actually knew a lot about Phish (the idea of any 13 year old actually enjoying Phish seems ridiculous looking back). It was a sunny day and the room was bright... we weren't doing anything, just 'missing' class since in the gifted program you got to miss class twice a week or something. It's a shame we weren't older, like in high school or something, since those conversation would probably had been a lot more enjoyable than sitting there trying not to be awkward, trying to be cool, and attempting to do nothing that might bring about ridicule. Oh, 7th grade... Anyway, I'm not sure how I ended up with this album, but I did. And I listened to it a lot. And this was my favorite song on the album. I loved the chorus "Can't be what I want because it's free..." loved it then and I love it now.



Otter said...

Yea' Cullen is in 7th grade, I can so relate to this. Except now the talk is about The Killers and Green Day.

Otter said...

Well Green Day's been around so long, that they were around back when this 'story' took place... lol.