Saturday, April 7, 2007


Vertigo by U2 (50/365)

Only Bono (or U2) could say "Unos, dos, tres, catorce!" which is crazy. "One, Two, Three, Fourteen! I am BONO hear me roar!" But no matter, I like this song. It rocks, it rolls, and it was played roughly 184 times a day in the Christmas season of 2004. And who am I to say that a few mid-40s Irishmen can't rock, because they do. I mean, did you hear that opening guitar rift? The Edge can get the job done (even if it sort of sounds like "Dirty Boots", but you know what, the Ramones made a career out of speeding up rifts, so I'm not blaming The Edge, I'm complementing him). BUT ANYWAYS, the song doesn't mean much to me (it's hard to believe that it would mean much to anyone unless something totally awesome or horrific happened while listening to this song), but that's okay. It's fun. It's U2, the most political band that has not been political in their music since the 1980s. Bono attempts to save the world, then goes into the studio and writes songs that deal with his personal life. I admire him for this.

Watch the iPod Ad (or check out the real video here):


Indigo Bunting said...

I don't always have anything profound to say, but I totally enjoy reading your blog!

Otter said...

Thanks and I enjoy yours!