Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Candyfloss by Wilco

This song swings. It's a good summer song, which is a hopeful thing on a snowing day in Chicago in April:
I'm the boy that looks excited
I'm the boy thats gonna fall apart…
I'm the boy with the poetry power
I'm the boy, smells like flowers
I like this idea, the boy with poetry power, the boy that smells like flowers. These are good things. As for how or what Candyfloss has to do with this song... I have no clue what's so ever and honestly don't want to think about it. I like the song for what it is, the boy with poetry power, the boy that smells like flowers. (Candyfloss if you didn't know, is the British term for cotton candy).

Listen: (I can only find if live, enjoy)


Indigo Bunting said...

Yay, more happy music. (We're supposed to get a snowstorm. Grr. Argh.)

Helen said...

Snow? Yikes!