Saturday, May 12, 2007

Not My War

Not My War by Slings & Arrows

Since I'm going to see these guys tonight, I thought I might as well give them a shout out. Anyways, I said the other day that there has been a lack of protest songs about the entire mess in Iraq, but this song proves to be the exception to the rule. It's a pretty kick ass song, and honestly, I'm waiting for the moment when it sort of becomes one of THE protest songs of the war.

I never bought the Iraq war, not in 2002, 2003,2004, or today. It didn't make sense in my eyes. But politics aside, the war did present sort of a challenge... what could I do about it? I've marched in a few protests, written some shit on blogs, got in arguments with friends and foes alike, but that's about it. This song sums up my feelings pretty well. This is not my war, I don't support this war, and honestly, I don't feel the least bit unpatriotic about it. It's a bullshit war that I wish would never have happened. It pisses me off to read about or even think about. Yeah, I'd love for there to be success, I'm not rooting against the war, but this isn't my war.

And if you're not mad, then you've got to get mad.


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