Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth (7/365)

The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

The song of the moment! I think this song will forever gone down in my head as the middle of winter, 2007, it's been cold for a really long time, there is a ton of snow on the ground, school is a bit of a bore at times and Chicago School economics is being jammed down my throat which is getting tiresome, and I'm walking to and from school listening to this song… and this song putting me in a good mood. I don't know... I like it a lot, it seems happy because it sounds so bouncy throughout.

Check it out:


Deloney said...

I like this band, the little I've heard. I'm not much up on indie stuff, being old enough to be the Dad of most of the musicians. But I'm crazy about Arcade Fire. Pitchfork will probably tear into their new album (out soon).

(A good thing someone young is taking part in this.)

Indigo Bunting said...

Love the sound of this.

Otter said...

Actually, since Pitchfork claims to have 'discovered' or at least 'broke' the Arcade Fire, I think they'll go easy on them when their next album come out in a few weeks.