Saturday, February 17, 2007

It Must Be Love (2/365)

It Must Be Love by Madness:
God damn commercialism… yeah it's that song from that jeans commercial from like a year ago (LOVE YOUR JEANS MORE THAN YOUR FAMILY!) and that's where my head goes every time I hear it… but it is a pretty kick ass song no matter. But it goes to show how often a song can take on a new or different meaning depending on how it is used and when you hear it. Since I was too young to have any sort of 'experience' with the song when it first came out; I am a slave to the commercial use of the song. Therefore Madness will some how always have a connection to blue jeans in my mind.



Otter said...

Man this is an instance where I'm both too young and too old at the same time.
Too young to know the song and too old to know the commericial.
So I'll just have to take your word for it.

Deloney said...

Thanks for mentioning Madness. I totally forgot about ska. I'll have to post something about The Specials.