Monday, December 29, 2008

#5 -- Best Songs of 2008

Don't Forget Sister by Low vs. Diamond

I downloaded a bunch of classical music the other day and while I was listening to it, I was amazed at how similar each song was. Not in the notes being played or the instruments being used but rather how each and every song builds to something. How the different movements usually lead to some big blow out that sounds really cool.

And if it wasn't for rock'n'roll and the indie explosion of the last few years, this would never have clicked for me. For years I've heard all about different movements in classical music, but I never knew what this meant. But thanks to crappy indie bands and songs it all came together for me.

It's quite simple really, these crappy songs don't go anywhere, nothing happens. There is no build up, just a lame dude singing crappy lyrics. And after four minutes the song ends. On the flip side, your classical pop song is the same: verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus, maybe a coda [end] (or something like that).

Now the real great rock songs build up into something. They may follow this simple formula, but they go somewhere... and then at the end there is so much going on that the hooks and rifts all cascade into one beautiful sound. Classical music doesn't follow that verse, chorus structure... but the great classical songs build up and up and up and then explode (maybe most famously in the 1812 Overture). But so many rock/indie songs today don't do that. They don't build and they don't go anywhere.

But this song? It builds and it goes somewhere and by the end of the song it sounds wonderful. The passion in the singers voice combined with all the rifts, hooks, and background vocals exploding create just some wonderful music that is hard to turn off. A great song.

So sister... take me away with youuuuuuu!

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