Friday, December 19, 2008

#16 -- Best Songs of 2008

Why Do You Let Me Stay Here? by She & Him

Playful like a Saturday afternoon in early June, flirting like a Friday night at 9:08p.m. at a friend of a friend's party, three drinks in, and finally having caught her eye...

That's what this song is. It's fun. It's unpretentious. And it flirts with you from beginning to end.

The rift is simple, the words straight forward, there are some extra things going on in the background, even backup vocals just to make you think, for a half second, that you are in one of those films where the main characters are the center of the universe in the "even the supporting characters stop what they're doing and break into song at the exact perfect moment" kind of way. [NOTE: Is there a 99% or a 100% chance that Zack Braff loves this song? And the narrator of this song is a Manic Pixie Dream Girl correct?]

But this song doesn't age well. Back during the summer this was a sure top 10, even top five song. But now, as the white of winter has laid down for a rest across the Midwest, I don't nearly get the same excitement out of this song. Instead when I hear this song I long for an afternoon reading a book at the Point.

Which isn't a bad thing, but at the same time, if I'm going to give Fleet Foxes shit, then I have to be consistent.

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