Thursday, July 17, 2008

Portions for Foxes

Portions for Foxes by Rilo Kiley

I am always surprised by this song. I've never thought of Rilo Kiley as the type of band/artist who could write lyrics that seem like they come from a Chuck Klosterman book or something. Any fan of Mr. Klosterman* might take that as a sort of cheap shot at him... but it's not indented to be. The song is just sort of a dumbed essay that Chuck has probably written...

The song isn't all that complicated. For some crazy reason, the people who are the worst for us are the ones we want and can't be without—that's the song. "And you're bad news/My friends tell me to leave you" we've probably all been told this, I've been told this, and I sure as hell have said something like that to a bunch of friends. But despite this, we stay with this person or if we're without this person we're pulling our hair out and thinking/realizing about how easy it would be to be as insane as Rob Gordon. Sometimes the ones who are the worst for us are some how the best... or we tell ourselves this.

Of course there is a fine line, anyone that leads you to self-destructive behavior is someone that you should leave high and dry. But I've never thought that this song went down that path... it's more the selfish girl or the guy who can sweet talk his way back into your life, only to stop calling you after a few months of hanging out once again. Why do we stay with these people let alone let them back in our lives? I'm it has to do with some sort combination of sex, potential, passion, and belief that we can change the other person.

Which brings me to the one part of the song that I don't like—that somehow sex removes all the mystery of a person... Umm, no. Not at all. That couldn't be more untrue. If anything, sex only makes someone MORE mysterious. Assuming of course, the person you're sleeping with is someone you actually, you know, love.

* I am a big fan of Mr. Klosterman's work.

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