Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lemon Grove Avenue

Lemon Grove Avenue by Mason Jennings

You can find and listen to it here.

A perfect summer time song. Lemon Grove Avenue is one of those songs that whenever I listen to it, I wish this is what life was like—there are birds in the trees, stars at night, a summer breeze, and you're living life with the one you love and you don't have to be anywhere in particular. Life is happy, it's worryless, it is carefree. In movies or while we're toiling away at work this is what we want—we want to live on Lemon Grove Avenue—a carefree life where mmm-bop-la-de-da-de-da is playing faintly from someones porch as you walk down the street, hand-in-hand, with the one you love.

It's not a sophisticated song, and honestly in the dead of a Chicago winter it's the last song you want to hear... but if I feel like getting away from reality and pretending, just for a few minutes, about a life I'll never live... we'll I might just turn this song on.

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