Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cinderella's Daydream

Cinderella's Daydream by Zuzu's Petals

In the past week this song has hit home like a sack of bricks... but why? I don't really know what the lyrics say... I can make out the first verse and the chorus but it's not like the lyrics are hammering home like a Jeff Tweedy song. But some where in between the "I don't want to go" and "Baby I want to stay with you" on the 18th listen this week everything started to come into focus.

It was the Cinderella illusions in the song that were hitting home. We all know the story of Cinderella, she has to be home by midnight, because at that time everything she has disappears. And with that she leaves in a hurry, peacing out on Prince Charming despite the great night they were having.

And with that in mind, I thought of those nights that I have had—those perfect nights that I never wanted to end—usually involving a girl or loved one. Those were the best nights. And in retrospect those are bittersweet nights. Every night isn't a great night. And the great nights can't be frozen, at some point time takes over. The night or the day ends.

Why? Why must we toil though the mundane, the blaze of life? Sure those perfect nights make life worth tugging along... but why even have mundane moments? It's cruel. Unfair. The great moments are taken away from us by time...

We're all Cinderella. We just don't realize it. The clock will always, at some point, strike midnight. And we can only be so lucky that we left behind a glass slipper somewhere... for someone... to find and then search for us... to fit onto our foot.

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