Monday, February 4, 2008

Goodbye Stranger

Goodbye Stranger by Supertramp

For reasons I've never knowed, in my final weeks in DC back in 2006, I listened to this song a lot. I've never really thought of this song as a "good bye, thanks for everything" type ditty, and still today I don't really think it is, but it captured that moment in my life.

I was ready to leave DC. It was time for me to say goodbye. It wasn't a sad farewell, nor was it a happy farewell. It was just a, see you around, type thing. I had nothing else to give DC and it had nothing else for me. I was at peace with this - the time had come. I was off, back to Chicago, to start life. I had been stuck for a few years just going through whatever happened.

I would sit at my desk at work and listen to this and reflect, mostly fondly, of the District of Lameness. A wry smile might cross my face, in a way DC was a stranger. I was never home there. Even though I was leaving behind a few relationships and a lot of friendships, I guess this song was a way for me to say good luck to all of them... will we ever meet again? Who knows, probably. No matter, the song, or at least the memories that the song triggered gave me peace and closure without having to talk to anyone.

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