Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rain King

Rain King by Counting Crows

I'm not sure there is a song out there that makes me feel better and love life more... I mean everything about it is happy (well maybe not the lyrics), but the chords... so happy. So carefree. You can hear the band having fun playing this song.

I love that. When others are having fun, it rubs off on everyone... if most of us are having a good time then all of us are having a good time.

I guess you could call this song A Fun Drunk. You know, the guy or girl who you always love to see and hang out with when they've had a few drunks (amazingly, it was "Friends" that first tapped into this way back when with "Fun Bobby").

Rain King, the fun drunk song, the song you love to hear in almost any situation... which come to think of it is unlike the fun drunk (face it, you only want to see them on a Friday or Saturday night... and never ever during the day).

And sadly, I've been call a fun drunk (or Fun Bobby)... this is heartbreaking. Was I now fun to these people sober? Was I only worth a few drinks and a Friday night to them? I want more meaning than that damn it...

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