Thursday, January 15, 2009


Lovefool by The Cardigans

I dare you to find me a catchier chorus. Dare you.

There really isn't anything wrong with this song. The opening keyboards(?), the vocal performance, the smooth and sweet sort of Afro-pop guitar, a solid bass line, and the structure of the song are all very pleasant, cute, and catchy as hell. As unsophisticated as the song may be, it's a fun song and it's a lovely song. It's one of those songs that hits home not when you're in love, but rather when you're seeking love. Going after the crush... the girl across the room who just happens to say the most interesting things in the world.

Okay fine, this song tends to be more about the girl/guy who doesn't love you any more—about above... whatever.

Of course this song also works the other way—it can be the last song that anyone wants to hear along with being most annoying song in the world—depending on the situation. But I'm not in that type of mood right now, nor do I want to go there, so I'm just going to pretend that the ugly side of this song exists.

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