Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Want To Hold Your Hand

I Want To Hold Your Hand by the Beatles

I read somewhere once (probably some review of the "I Am Sam*" soundtrack) that it is impossible to mess up most Beatles songs because they're so well crafted.

And this song is living proof of that theory. It might be the best crafted pop song of all time. As I wrote about a year ago:

"I Want to Hold Your Hand" features hand claps... you've got to love how the drums and Harrison's guitar work together... the song is about love, puppy love on top of it... the song builds up throughout, but the amazing thing is that it you really never know what it coming next. When they throw that bridge at you about halfway though the song, it's so out of the blue yet so perfect. I mean there may not be a more perfectly put together song out there.

This is pure pop bliss. There is nothing wrong with this song. Nothing. And once TV Carpio and her voice got a hold of this song... well it just goes to show how great of a song it is.

The Beatles' original is perfect because of how they play the song--the instruments, the unpredictability, and and words. TV's cover is great because of her voice... they down play the unpredictability of the song which sort of sucks. But she sings the song without any noise--true, she's showing off--and it gives the song a new lease. It's cleaner. It soars. It's beautiful...

God, I love this song. It's the type of song that makes you love music even more. It's the type of song that makes you love pop music. It's the type of song that makes you want to turn on a Michael Jackson song just so you can hear his voice. It's the type of song that makes you want to have a Coke and smile. It's the type of song that makes you realize that holding the right some one's hand is so much better than sex.

* Insert Sean Penn comment here: ______________________________________________________________

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